
February 16th, 2008


台福洛杉磯教會,有把教會移到同鄉處的異象,看到南灣地區,台語鄉親日增,且知本地 黃逢時長老 祈禱有一間台語教會. 主任牧師 劉富理遂在 1979,11月差派在該教會聚會的兄姊,回到南灣開拓台語教會.符合聖經教訓 (祂願意萬人得救). 你起來站著,我特意向你顯現,要派你作執事作見証, 我差你到他們那裡去,要叫他們眼睛得開,從黑暗中歸向光明,從撒但之權下歸向神.又因信我,得蒙赦罪,和一切成聖之人同得基業.(徒 26:16-18) 作福音的見証:「我故此沒有違背那從天上來的異象。」 (徒 26:19)


1980,2/23 改在四方教會聚會。

1980,9/14 成立「南灣福音教會」吳德聖牧師每主日來主持崇拜1981年1-8月由楊石林牧師任短期牧養

1981,7/5 遷入南灣浸信會 劉富理牧師主持第一次崇拜.感謝主的大能和恩典,聖靈感動青少年踴躍來教會



1981,9/13 開始英語崇拜.

1985,10/6 成立華語青少年團契事工.

1995,10/1 開始華語崇拜

2001,9/21 主聽我們的祈禱,讓我們順利的買下南灣浸信會.我們即着手規劃修建,以新的殿榮耀,服事我們的主. 2004,10/3 通過繁複的各項手續後. 舉行修建開工禮拜. 2005,12/23 在修建後的主堂,舉辦聖誕晚會.紀念救世主的降臨.是修建後的第一次使用.感謝讚美主.

2005,2/23 後仍繼續附屬建築物和塲地的整修工作
是一個有三種語言傳福音的活力教會 .

The Vision and Briefing
EFC of LA had a vision of “Moving the church to the town of Taiwanese people” and saw the increasing population of Taiwanese speaking people in South Bay area. In the meantime they knew the need of Elder Huang at Torrance, CA, who was praying for a Taiwanese speaking church at his hometown. In November 1979 Rev. Felix Liu, Sr. Pastor of EFC of LA dispatched brothers and sisters of South Bay area coming back to South Bay area and to plant a Taiwanese church. To fulfill
the biblical teaching, “God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved” “Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as servant and as a witness of what I showed you. I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them form darkness to light,and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me” To be the witness of Gospel, “I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven”

Briefing of the Church

12/1,1979 –Rev.Felix held a family worship of southern area at Elder F.Huang’s house for the first time. The “Evangelistic Center”(Taiwanese language) was established. We were then looking for a suitable place for worship Lord better.

2/23,1980 moved to Four Square Church for Worship

9/14,1980 Establishment of “Evangelical Formosan Church of South Bay”. Rev. Samuel Wu came to hold Sunday worship regularly.

In Jan. to Aug.1981 Rev.Yang was in charge of the church service..

7/5,1981 Moved in South Bay Baptist Church (current facility) and Rev. Felix Liu held the first Sunday worship.Thanks for our Lord many youth of non-Taiwanese speaking came to our church. We accepted them .We love these youth and our second generation.

8/1,1981 Establishment of Youth Fellowship (English).There was a Bible class regularly.

9/13,1981 Began English speaking worship.The English and Mandarin speaking youth continuously came
in the church in big number.

11/4,1984 –Establishment of English Worship Group.

10/6, 1985 –Establishment of Mandarin Youth Fellowship.

10/1,1995 -Establishment of Mandarin Worship Group.

9/21, 2001-God granted us the grace to purchase The facility of South Bay Baptist Church (current location)He surely listens to our prayer for a better place to serve Him with all our hearts. The remodeling of the church buildings then was planned in order to glorify His name.

10/3, 2004 – We held a“Braking Ground Service” of remodeling work after long process of design and approval procedures.

12/23, 2005-There was a Christmas Celebration Service at chapel.This was first time to use it after remodeling.It was our sincere gratitude to the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.

From 12/ 23, 2005 There are some remodeling and repairing work on other buildings and surrounding grounds.

At present time, the church has three language worship groups: Taiwanese,Mandarin and English, it is a dynamic church of evangelism .

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Posted by Kevin Sheng and filed under 關於教會 |